
Make it count.

Papers, work, school, homework, stress, sadness, monotony, routine, laziness.....
I can't believe I let those things take over my life sometimes. I had forgotten about my blog, I had forgotten about how great it feels to share thoughts with strangers that might be interested in the same topics.... 

This past year I grew a lot as a person and there are a lot of things I want to share. 

I thought I knew what my purpose in life was, and now I realize that I have never had a clue. I still do not know what I am in this life for, but I know some great things I have done and what to do to make my time here worth living. I have heard thousands of people say 'live the moment' and it had never made so much sense until now. I think it was not making much sense because I was overthinking it and it is not suppose to be analyzed, just live and enjoy... there is not much to think about it because sometimes our mind can be tricky and can distract us from doing a lot. 

Here are somethings I do to make my time worth and more joyful.

Don't forget your inner kid. Let everything amaze you and don't ever let monotony be part of your daily life.
Remember how anything with bright colors would excite you when you were a kid? Do you remember your favorite toy, candy, or game? 

Give it a try again and let it be as            fun as it used to be.
Do not look for expensive or technology to entertain yourself, just admire a sunrise and let your mind get lost in it's beauty.....

If the sunrise was not enough, then admire the sunset as well. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, mute all the world's noise, and listen to your inner voice. We spend a lot of time listening to other's needs and complains, but sometimes we forget the most important person; ourself.

Do not be afraid of the unknown. Go on an adventure to some place you have never been to, maybe somewhere you have always wanted to go, but you keep postponing it. 

Make time for it now because tomorrow might be too late. 

Do not try to understand life. Sometimes it is very complicated. Sometimes bad things happen and we wish that they didn't and we powerless, we cannot change the past, but we are powerful enough to make a difference and determine how we want to live our future. 

Make each day count!

P.S. I took all of this pictures in Orange County. Come visit, it is beautiful! Where are you from? What do you do to make your time alive worth? 


  1. Beautifully said! Thank you for sharing!

  2. it would be really helpful. Many times I see people confused about this.
